April 29, 2010

Well, here goes...

I got the idea to start this blog when I began to think about various aspects of family life that I've struggled with (breastfeeding, organization, and frugality just to name a few), which seem to come so naturally to others. I love to write, and I love doing research on any of these topics, and am especially passionate about evidence-based practices with regards to pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting, so this is mainly a place for me to compile the research that I have done.

I am by no means an expert in anything I will be discussing, and certainly hope that I don't come across as such. I am not sure anyone will wind up reading my blog, but even if they don't, I hope it will be a great opportunity for me to pick up my hobby of writing again, since the most writing I do these days is in the form of a grocery list.

If anyone does wind up reading here, my goal is to encourage them that they are not alone in thinking these things come so naturally to everyone else. When I was pregnant, I saw mothers effortlessly nursing their babies, and felt like a failure when my son wouldn't latch properly. We both wound up in tears at nearly every feeding for the first few weeks. I found that it was only when I opened up to others about our difficulties that they came forward with their own stories of their difficulties with nursing. Other women have said to me, "I couldn't breastfeed because of...", and I often wonder if they had known that other women struggled through the same issues and came out the other side, if they would have been more likely to stick it out.

So... if anyone is out there reading this: welcome!

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